Strategic Communication course 2024Public Relations courses

London 447748714774 Code course: P24L121

Course Description

Strategic Communication course 2024 
There are many basic types of strategic communication inside and outside organizations, which determine the importance and basics of communication with each other in modern ways using modern technology, and the role of strategic communication may emerge at each stage of achievement within organizations (before, during, and after completion).

Employees and workers in the fields of management, media, and public relations need to understand the theories and principles of dealing with public opinion outside the organization through various channels, under the laws and ethics of the profession, as well as the foundations of dealing with workers within it. London Academy of Media and Public Relations offers this important course as one of the most important media courses in London for 2024 and also as one of the best communication and public relations courses in London for 2024.

The General Objectives of Strategic Communication Course 2024

The course aims to empower trainees with several skills, including:
• Identify the basics of effective strategic communication and the roles of each employee in it.
• Understanding the historical roles of public relations institutions and specialists in the field of communication.
• How to conduct scientific research using appropriate methods, tools, and technological capabilities for the public relations and communication program.
• Smooth and clear writing using templates and methods appropriate to the target audience.
• applying basic principles and concepts of numbers and statistics related to public relations and communication.
• Enable participants to know the most important foundations of direct human communication and its principles, on the one hand, its relationship with society, and the methods of using it to make an impact, on the other hand.
• Providing participants with scientific knowledge in the field of public communication, communication fields and their different methods in the field of public relations through practical training in the field of communication with the public.
• Identify methods of communicating information, persuasion, and the development of relations between social groups and different institutions.
• Expanding the participants' perceptions and abilities in the field of understanding the origin of public relations from theoretical and practical aspects; teaching them the arts of communication and organizing relations between different parties; dealing with public opinion and influencing it in various fields (political, social, and economic); and employing this for the benefit of society, individuals, and institutions.
• Consolidate the skills of the participants and direct them towards scientific research; develop their research capabilities in the areas of measuring public opinion; and raise the level of their skills in dealing with multiple methods of public relations practice.

Activities and Training Methods

• Practical applications
• Workshop and training
• Training and scientific lectures
• Open discussion panels

Topics of Strategic Communication Course 2024

The course covers a wide range of topics in public relations, media, and technical terminology, including:
• Basic practical applications for strategic communication
• Identify the real possibilities of strategic communication.
• Who is responsible for strategic communication in the organization?
• Fundamentals and principles of strategic communication
• An Introduction to Modern Public Relations
• Global Public Relations Institutions
• The Public Relations Organization
• Public relations objectives, tasks, and functions
• Qualities of a public relations officer
• The research function in public relations
• The function of planning in public relations
• Communication and evaluation function in public relations.
• Audiences and public opinion
• Understanding and familiarizing public opinion
• Components of public opinion
• Types of public opinion
• Public opinion and the media process
• The relationship between public opinion and the communication process
• Public opinion determines the form of the media message.
• understanding of public communication
• Technical means of communication and transportation
• The Emergence of Public Communication
• Characteristics of mass communication
• The importance of public communication
• The functions of public communication
• The nature and characteristics of mass communication masses
• The definition of the masses
• Characteristics of the masses
• Classification of the masses
• Areas of public communication
• Public opinion
• Expression of public opinion
• Communication and public opinion
• Components of public opinion
• Advertising and its characteristics
• Publicity
• Concept of Public Relations
• Public relations characteristics
• The importance of the mental image of organizations
• Theories of public communication from the point of view of sociology
• Constructivist theory
• Functionality of the structure
• Critical theory
• Phyneumenological theory
• Theories of mass media from the point of view of the specialization of media and communication


  • Airport-to-hotel transfer.
  • Coffee breaks.
  • Study materials.
  • Farewell open buffet.
  • London tours, Buses & boats.
  • Hotel-to-airport transfer.

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