Media skills course for employees of government institutionsPublic Relations courses

Paris 447748714774 Code course: P24L118pa

Course Description

Media skills course for employees of government institutions 
The saying goes: Dealing with the media is more difficult than bathing a person with leprosy.
This means how important it is to know how to deal with the media to take advantage of their advantages and avoid falling into their clutches, because the media and modern means of communication have become the authority that influences values, beliefs, attitudes, and practices in various ways economically, culturally, and socially, in addition to becoming a form of education.
This course is ideal for all employees of government institutions, especially those who have a passion for confrontation and who want to develop their media skills and get basic tips for dealing with the media.

Maybe you have a good story you want to tell about a new product or service, a new idea that interests you, or maybe you have bad news that you need to contain about a failed initiative, a security destabilization that has hit your company, or even a scandal that could damage your reputation.
Either way, you need to deal with the media. A well-run media campaign can give you the impact you can't hope to achieve on your own.
But dealing with the media without training and readiness is like going into a battle without armour. It can do you more harm than good.
The general objective of media skills courses for employees of government institutions
Possess media skills and raise the level of media awareness and understanding of the media and how to deal with it.

Detailed objectives of Media Skills course for employees of government institutions

• Developing the possession of media skills
• Developing a mindset of dealing with various media outlets such as print, radio, television, and electronic media.
• How to Win in a Media Game

Topics of Media Skills course for employees of government institutions

• Developing awareness of media literacy
• Analysis of the content of some media publications and tweets
• When should you use them and when should you ignore them?
• Identify the most effective tools when engaging with the public, media, and stakeholders or promoting your business.
• Practical application of communication tools to simulate reality
• Develop critical thinking about what is published or broadcast and sort out the useful ones.
• development of a culture of dialogue

Activities and Training Methods for Media Skills Course for Employees of Government Institutions

This program will be presented in the form of a unique workshop designed to be fun and interactive, with practical exercises delivered by experts in our media.
Outputs of Media Skills Course for Employees of Government Institutions
This training will build trust between you and the various media.
• ability to distinguish between professional media treatment that is neutral and biased
• Enable the understanding and production of media messages and choose the appropriate means to express the messages they wish to convey.
• Understanding how major social media networks work.
• production and dissemination of media content.
• Participants will be given first-hand experience in dealing with social media queries and comments.


  • Airport-to-hotel transfer.
  • Coffee breaks.
  • Study materials.
  • Farewell open buffet.
  • London tours, Buses & boats.
  • Hotel-to-airport transfer.

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