Advanced Public Speaking and Communication Skills Course for Official Spokespersons (Practical Applications)Public Relations courses

London 447748714774 Code course: SM10123L

Course Description

Importance of the Course:

This two weeks course represents a pioneering step towards developing the public speaking and communication skills of official spokespersons, with a particular focus on various aspects of body language and protocols for addressing the public. The course aims to enhance public capabilities and improve performance in official settings.

Course Objectives:

Develop effective public speaking and presentation skills.
Gain a deep understanding of body language and use it effectively.
Learn protocols for public speaking and official interviews.
Analyze the audience and adapt messages intelligently and effectively.
Understand the art of responding to difficult questions and handling the media.
Enhance voice modulation and effective language use.

Outline Course (10 Days):

Day 1: Foundations of Effective Communication

Introduction to public speaking and its significance.
Understanding body language: What movements convey about a person.
Mastering hand movements for impactful communication.
Best practices for standing and posture during public speaking.
Voice control skills: Knowing when to pause and how to influence tone.

Day 2: Perfecting Non-Verbal Communication

Analyzing the impact of body language on communication.
Practical exercises on using hand movements to enhance messages.
Voice modulation techniques for a compelling delivery.
Standing confidently: Techniques for effective body language.
Case studies on the influence of non-verbal cues in real-life situations.

Day 3: Interacting with Dignitaries and Celebrities

Protocols and etiquette when dealing with dignitaries and celebrities.
Tailoring communication for high-profile individuals.
Effective strategies for building rapport and gaining trust.
Simulated exercises for practical application in VIP interactions.
Q&A session on challenges in dealing with high-profile figures.

Day 4: Formal Public Speaking Techniques

Developing a personal style for formal public speaking.
Techniques for articulating messages effectively in official settings.
Crafting compelling speeches: Structure and delivery.
Analyzing famous speeches for inspiration.
Practical session: Delivering formal speeches with feedback.

Day 5: Mastering Public Participation

Art of engaging with diverse audiences.
Techniques for effective presentation in public forums.
Building connections with the audience: Tips and tricks.
Simulated exercises for handling different audience dynamics.
Q&A session on challenges in public participation.

Day 6: Strategies for Dealing with Questions

Developing confidence in answering expected and unexpected questions.
Techniques for handling challenging inquiries with grace.
Simulated Q&A sessions with real-life scenarios.
Role-playing exercises for practical application.
Feedback and improvement strategies for handling questions.

Day 7: Crisis Communication Skills

Understanding the dynamics of crisis communication.
Techniques for staying composed under high-pressure situations.
Crafting messages in times of crisis: Simulated exercises.
Case studies on successful crisis communication.
Group discussion on crisis communication challenges.

Day 8: Digital Communication Best Practices

Modern best practices for using social media in communication.
Digital media strategies for effective outreach.
Simulated exercises on managing communication in the digital age.
Group discussion on the impact of digital media on public speaking.
Q&A session on navigating challenges in digital communication.

Day 9: In-Depth Problem Analysis and Simplification

Techniques for in-depth problem analysis.
Presenting complex problems in a clear and concise manner.
Case studies on effectively communicating complex issues.
Simulated exercises on simplifying complex topics.
Group discussion on the importance of clear communication in problem-solving.

Day 10:  Certificates, photos, tickets, and lunch buffet. 


  • Airport-to-hotel transfer.
  • Coffee breaks.
  • Study materials.
  • Farewell open buffet.
  • London tours, Buses & boats.
  • Hotel-to-airport transfer.

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