Mobile Journalism Course, How to Use a Mobile PhoneMedia Skills courses

London 447748714774 Code course: 160

Course Description

Mobile Journalism Course, How to Use a Mobile Phone in the Media. 
Nothing is faster in the face of a sudden event than mobile phones with good capabilities for capturing the event, recording it, and broadcasting it through a variety of social media sites, as well as the possibility of selling it exclusively to a large number of news agencies and TV channels.
This device, carried by the majority of people, the mobile device, can be the fastest medium in our contemporary world, so how can this device be turned into an important and large media weapon?
One may be at a press conference, or a ceremony, on the street or the runway of a stadium, maybe at the airport or on the beach, and maybe at work as well. One may notice something, an event or an event, how to deal with the situation quickly and turn mobile into a medium for monitoring, editing, saving, and perhaps broadcasting as well.
Who can sell media content to, and how much is the price of media content filmed on mobile or exclusive?
How to make a mobile documentary, a film for a ministry or institution, a quick advertising film for a producer or an event, or a marketing film for a specific service or character. The film may be part of a promotional campaign or a public opinion campaign. How can I set it up?
All these questions are answered by this modern course within the courses of the London Academy of Media and Public Relations.

The general objectives of the mobile journalism course

The course aims to empower trainees with several skills, including:
• Learning the basics of journalism on mobile.
• Learning about the basic options and important programs for a mobile journalist
• Exploring how to set up a movie via mobile
• Practice using the mobile camera, recording audio, and editing programs in the best way.
• The ability to film, edit and broadcast a small documentary with a mobile phone.
• Agencies and channels that purchase exclusive media products for mobile journalists
• Dealing with the media and social media sites after preparing an exclusive film
• Production and distribution of mobile-filmed or written media content.

Activities and Training Methods

• practical applications
• Workshop and training
• Training and scientific lectures
• Open discussion panels

Topics of the Mobile Journalism Course:

The course contains a lot of informational and technical vocabulary, including:

• Determine the true capabilities of mobile devices.
• Basic software for mobile journalism
• How to deal with the event as soon as it occurs?
• How to configure a smartphone to function as a media device for monitoring and recording with a single click.
• Learning about the latest documentaries produced with smartphones
• Privacy and the aesthetic of smartphone photography
• explore the possibilities and limits of making films with mobile phones.
• Types of stories that can be told by smartphones.

Exploring the technical possibilities available :

• for image recording (variable focal length lenses).
• dedicated camera stand.
• Microphones record audio.
• Editing software available.
• How to delay battery depletion

Content preparation skills:

• Using the mobile phone in video shooting: how to handle the phone, hold it and achieve a fixed frame.
• The basics of the photo frame, its movements, and types
• How to shrink a cascading shot ready for publication and broadcast it at the same moment.
• Export and publish the montage in the appropriate format.
• Dealing with news via mobile
• Posting through social media sites or websites
• How to sell exclusive media content
• and other interesting and useful content.


  • Airport-to-hotel transfer.
  • Coffee breaks.
  • Study materials.
  • Farewell open buffet.
  • London tours, Buses & boats.
  • Hotel-to-airport transfer.

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